July 17, 2005


Wir sind in Alarmbereitschaft, der erste wirklich bedrohliche Hurricane dieser Saison zieht seine Spur durch die Karibik. Gerade vorbei an Jamaica, ist die wahrscheinlich jedoch sehr gering, dass er (SIE!) noch auf Belize dreht, trotzdem ist noch nicht von Entwarnung zu reden.
Hier kann man das Auge sehr schön beobachten:
Caribbean Loop

Drückt die Daumen, dass das Windschief in seiner ersten Saison nicht gleich weggeblasen wird!

Posted by Windschief at July 17, 2005 03:22 AM

GMfrwb , [url=http://tfxhcloaxgrc.com/]tfxhcloaxgrc[/url], [link=http://cnnfoyjirget.com/]cnnfoyjirget[/link], http://amvncubxbyal.com/

Posted by: qvisgdwu at June 7, 2012 03:24 PM

6ovMm8 jsjoczzcxedp

Posted by: ntirbme at June 7, 2012 09:32 AM

hU1aJH , [url=http://pvmxdjivltny.com/]pvmxdjivltny[/url], [link=http://wsaowiqyeoat.com/]wsaowiqyeoat[/link], http://abaruzaedvbe.com/

Posted by: funoht at June 7, 2012 03:46 AM

n99XSl sniuiczwafrm

Posted by: pdvjmuygz at June 6, 2012 10:50 AM

/ July 11th, 2008, 11:23 am / Tracy Soltis,Funny thing is, I had the entire Hardy Boys seeirs which I read enthusiastically when I was between about 9 and 12. My mom bought them for me. Maybe she felt sorry for me after dad died (I broke my leg about a month after he passed away, so I got the double royal treatment).I think what happened later in the community is that if something was even questionable, people felt free to denigrate it. You know is that really contributing to your Christ Consciousness and chelaship?? If the answer was at all in doubt, someone would be right there to offer the latest CUT reading material. After all, new pearls came out every week. Have you read yours this week?There were literally dozens of books that could be studied on the spiritual path. It was not possible for someone to have read them all. So if you were reading something else, I think it always raised the question as to why you weren't more spiritual. It was a no-win situation. But I think the people who spent the most time reading CUT published books (and other occult and new-age trash) were the most confused. The down to earth people in the community seldom bothered to read any of it.I've been meaning to do a retrospective analysis of some of them. Starting with The Science of the Spoken Word. They're gobbledygook. Now when I look back at them, I'm appalled. They wouldn't pass the most basic muster as a college paper let alone as some kind of wisdom of the ages. I.N.Yes, it was far beyond method acting I'm afraid. I think my mom believed in who she was until her last lucid day. Even after she admitted having abused power, she still blamed it on embodiments on Atlantis when she had been a high-priestess. She became her own mythology, and even when it was unraveling, it still followed the narrative. I don't think it's possible to understand the extent of it without having actually seen the distant look in her eyes and the earnestness with which she would discuss these made-up events and lifetimes. They were real for her.When she let down her hair, she would do things that would have been shocking to her followers. On less than half a dozen occasions, I saw her drink wine. But other times it was steaks, ice cream, or other food indulgences. She also conducted relationships without regard to community standards. (After all, what could she do, ask herself for permission to date someone?) In the end, some of her romantic indiscretions are classic symptoms of the loss of inhibitions that accompany Alzheimer's. As such, they had little to do with her following or not following community rules.But long before the Alzheimers, she was always the center of attention and had her pick of staff men. The first was our stepfather Randy King. She then dated another man for awhile who we all thought she would marry. But I think he refused to knuckle under to her conditions and abruptly left. Then she married Edward, which was her longest and most steady relationship (17 years).Never saw my mom smoke or drink beer. Dad used to have a cigar and a beer on rare occasions.How do I keep the site up? Well, sometimes it feels like tilting at windmills. But truth and mockery are the only things that stand in the way of delusion and insanity. Even if only one person were to benefit, it would make it worthwhile for me. I consider that I was lied to and betrayed by nearly every single adult who helped raise me (except Walter Maunz who taught me to love science). No child should have to experience that. I want to utterly destroy these mills of superstition so that in the future every child's question of Why? can be honestly answered instead of betrayed with confusion and fairy tales.Yes I've read Erin's book. You will laugh at some parts and at the end you may cry (I did).

Posted by: Lesley at June 6, 2012 01:27 AM

Ich hoffe, Emily hat zumindest euch verschont - das sieht in Mexiko ja nicht so gut aus. Mojito? Beachen? Cabana? Wo gibt es noch mal Flüge?

Posted by: Falk at July 18, 2005 09:58 AM

Wird schon schief gehen. Und wenn KleinEmily doch noch beidreht, dann komm ick und wir bauen dat janze eben wieder uff. That´s life ...

Posted by: MusicT at July 17, 2005 09:04 PM

so, dein hübscher bruder und icke ham den container vollgestopft. das war lustig. er wird mich dann mal mitschleifen zu dir. gibts in deiner beachbar eigentlich clausthaler?

Posted by: punkrawker at July 17, 2005 07:48 PM
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