July 12, 2005

website update

So, nachdem ja nun endlich die Cabanas fix und ferddich sind, das neue Schild an der Straße steht und ich die Zeit gefunden hab, gibts jetzt Bilder und Videostreams auf der Webseite Windschief, damit man auch weiß, was man bucht!
Alex macht sich gerad daran, seine Höhle ein wenig in Ordnung zu bringen, damit ich da auch mal mit der Kamera durchschwenken kann.

Die nächste Neuigkeit, die eigentlich in die "Jemüsejarten"-Kategorie jehört: Aufgrund des gesunden Wachstums meiner Heiligen Minze konnte ich vorgestern den ersten Mojito (der wahrscheinlich je in Hopkins verkauft wurde) ausschenken!

und das mit einem würdigen Hintergrund - die Bar- und Küchenmöbel sind da!


Posted by Windschief at July 12, 2005 09:24 PM

He didn't.And, he did NOT created the Anglican cuhrch to get a divorce! The real story is much more complicated.Henry was Roman Catholic. In fact he earned the title Defender of the Faith from the Pope for his anti-Reformation work. He even had Reformers executed!However, he had married his older brother's sister, which is a no-no under canon law (Papal dispensation was needed to make it happen). He saw the lack of a male heir as God's punishment. As a very religious person, he thought the marriage, and illegal one, should be annulled. This is common amongst Catholics even to this day. Illegal marriages may be annulled that is what the canon lawyers handle.A problem the Queen's nephew was King of Spain, and then holding the Pope hostage. So, the Pope keep stalling, over and over again. Now, in England, the right to appoint bishops was held by the King and the Pope together. It had always been this way. It was suggested to Henry if he appointed the right Archbishop of Canterbury, then he could get the annulment. He removed the right of the Pope to appoint bishops in England (called the Pillum ), and did so himself. This bishop (Cranmer) granted the annulment. Of course, this irritated the Pope! And Spain, and a few others. But, Henry remained Catholic at heart, despite being excommunicated. Excommunication was as much a political tool then as a religious one. Most kings would be excommunicated at one time or another, only to be restored later.Other factors: England had been paying Peter's Pence, a tax to Rome. It was pointed out that this made England, and Henry, vassal to the Pope. This was not allowed under English law. So, this tax was stopped. It had been going to pay for the armies of England's enemies, so, this also made sense. And, when rich people died, they often willed their land to the Church -making that land exempt from taxes. By then, about 1/3 of England was permanent Church lands, and England was going broke. So, Henry dissolved the monasteries, and returned the land to England.These things cause the Roman Catholic Church to basically sever all relations with England, and Henry. However, the Church continued the Church in England became the Church of England. This did not really happen until Elizabeth's time. Mary was a devout Roman Catholic, and undid the few reforms allowed (hearing the lessons in English, and priests being able to marry). Elizabeth restored these although she herself was likely Roman Catholic at heart as well. Her idea was the via meda, or middle way, a compromise between the two opposing sides. So, the Anglican cuhrch was not really born, but was the continuation of the Church in England the RC's had to then form their own cuhrch.Anglicans are not strictly speaking Protestant, as they never actually protested anything. There is no Statute of Westminster, 95 Thesis, or anything like that.There are a LOT more details, but, this covers the highlights at least.

Posted by: Vuk at June 27, 2013 11:03 AM

ich geb ihm nischt - der nimmt sich imma selba!

Posted by: Windschief at July 13, 2005 06:36 PM

du wirst doch dem jungen wohl kein alkohol geben??

Posted by: mogreens at July 13, 2005 11:27 AM
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